Managing employees who work remotely takes a different set of skills and communication tools than managing in-office employees.
During the pandemic, managers were given a crash course in supervising remote workers, whether they were ready or not. And many of them, it seems, were not ready; a recent Harvard Business Review study found that 40 percent of managers doubt their ability to manage remote staff. We can help!
Commuter Services has effective resources to help employers and managers successfully supervise remote and hybrid employees (hybrid workers split their time between a remote office and the company worksite).
Fill out the Looking for Resources form and you can immediately download the PDFs listed below.
Resources for employers & managers include:
Telework & Hybrid Work Tips
Sample Teleworker Agreement
Tips for Telework Success
Sample Telework Discussion Application
22 Tips for Manager Success
Mental Health Recommendations for Teleworkers
Sample Daily Telework Log
Sample Telework Policy
Home Office Safety and Ergonomic Guidelines
Mental Health Quick Tips
How to Help Employees Avoid FOMO When Working from Home
Hybrid Employee Agreement
Hybrid Work Policy
Setting it up Right: Telework and Hybrid Work
Best Practices for Remote & Hybrid Workers
Creating Connection on a Hybrid Team
Remote employees working from different locations is a growing concern for employers
Team Agreement – NEW